On this page you will find all the exciting activities and experiences that are taking place in Nursery. Enjoy having a look through everything we have been learning about. Make sure to keep coming back and checking it! General information is also on display on our notice board in the entrance to Nursery. Class newsletters will also be uploaded on the tab above.
Miss Doran, Miss Nowell and Mrs Fenton :)
Our latest Spring 1 newsletter is now available to read under the 'Nursery' and 'Class Newsletters' tab above. Thank you!
Nursery's Christmas Cracker!
Thank you to all of Nursery's family and friends who came along to watch our Christmas performance. The children did so well and loved practising and performing all of their Christmas songs for you. We hope you enjoyed it!
Christmas in Nursery
We have been doing lots of amazing activities in Nursery to celebrate Christmas! We all helped to put up our class Christmas tree up and paint our postbox so we can send our letters to Santa and post our Christmas cards to our friends. The big man himself came into school so we all got to go and visit him in his grotto! It was so special and he kindly gave us each a present. We also got new Nativity set that was kindly gifted to us by Mrs Everett. We have loved looking at it on our special table and carefully playing with it. We also did some Christmas baking; Christmas tree biscuits, yummy! We loved our party day where we came in our party clothes, played games, had party food and did some dancing in the hall with Reception
Advent in Nursery
We made our class Advent wreath together. We all learnt about why we have an Advent wreath and what this special time of year means. We now know why we use evergreen leaves and why the wreath is in the shape of a circle. Our wreath was blessed by Father Polland. We will light it everyday during our class worships throughout Advent. We will light one more candle in each week of Advent.
Remembrance Day
On Remembrance Day, we had a special class collective worship to remember all the brave soldiers that fought for us all in the war. We each placed a pebble in the middle of our poppy cloth and had a quiet, reflective moment. We also made our own poppies.
Fantastic Fireworks!
We have been learning all about Bonfire Night and how it is celebrated. We painted our own firework pictures using marbles to create lots of amazing lines with different colours. We also made our own edible "sparkler" with breadsticks, chocolate and sprinkles!
Autumn in Nursery
We have been exploring all the signs of autumn in and around Nursery. We learnt how we know it is autumn. We looked at a pumpkin and described what it looks, smells and feels like. We then painted pictures of pumpkins and made our own pumpkin patch display! We also went on a leaf hunt outside and did some leaf printing.
God's Wonderful World
We heard the story of creation through a Godly play box. We thought about all the wonderful things that God made and put on Earth. We did our own thank you prayers to God for creating all the animals, plants and people in his world.
The Start of Our Journey...
What a lovely few weeks we have had in Nursery! We have welcomed back some children from last year and also said hello to lots of new friends! Have a look at some of the things we have got up to so far!